莎士比亚卡牌 莎士比亞的塔羅牌 原版进口英文版 ( 订.36
William Shakespeare’s work penetrates and reveals the human mind, heart, and soul, firing the imagination so that we may easily see ourselves within his cast of characters. In this extravagant deck of 78 Tarot cards with accompanying guidebook, striking images and card meanings are perfectly matched with the Tarot using Jungian archetypes from Shakespeare’s most famous plays. All of us are Hamlet. We have all at one time or another found ourselves trapped like a fly in amber by indecision and in need of guidance. Discover through meditation, introspection, and the reading of Tarot how to learn about yourself, understand self-control, and make the best choices by revisiting iconic stories invoked through Shakespeare’s strong influences for over 400 years. Includes cards and book.威廉·莎士比亞的作品深入並揭示了人類的思想、心靈和靈魂,激發了想像力,使我們可以很容易地在他的角色陣容中看到自己。 在這套由78張塔羅牌和導遊手册組成的豪華套牌中,醒目的影像和卡片含義與使用莎士比亞最著名戲劇中的榮格原型的塔羅牌完美匹配。 我們都是哈姆雷特。 我們都曾有過這樣或那樣的時候,發現自己被優柔寡斷和需要指導所困,就像琥珀裏的蒼蠅。 通過冥想、內省和塔羅牌的閱讀,探索如何瞭解自己,理解自我控制,並通過重溫莎士比亞400多年來的强大影響力所引發的經典故事來做出最佳選擇。 包括卡片和書籍。